Celebrating Rach’s birthday at Longwood Gardens in PA.
As extensive as the Star Wars universe is, I have an ace in the hole for any question I may have regarding a non-Jedi weapon or obscure alien race: my big sis, Rachel. I don’t talk about Rach enough. She really is a bureau of Star Wars knowledge, which comes in handy for shows like The Mandalorian or more recently Obi-Wan Kenobi, where characters from different storylines just pop in and I need a guide to walk me through scenes ripe with backstory.
Rachel is my buddy for all things nerdy. She is the friend you want to bring to trivia night. The storage of obscure medieval facts, the expert on Lord of the Rings, the cabinet of American curiosities, she is a veritable mountain of knowledge. Her birthday was this past week, my big sis is now 30.
Squinting our way through a sunny ferry to Fort Sumter, SC.
An aficionado of Greco-Roman mythology, Rach will happily devour books dedicated to the drama brewing on Mount Olympus. She frequents the library, reading every Weird U.S. book there is. She loves the ocean, and is an expert diver. If there is a dog nearby, you know she’ll not only want to pet it, but pick it up and beg the dog for kisses. She likes German beer, sunning by the pool. She’s an avid gamer.
Rach is someone who I love to laugh with. I’m confident that when we’re old ladies, we’ll still find Spongebob hilarious. When I moved home, we started walking at night in our neighborhood. She enjoys a good pedicure. She likes collecting snow globes from places she’s been. She’s been to Europe twice. Now she and I frequent the library together.
We enjoy good humor. We love books. We’re nerds of a feather. I love my big sister, and I am so grateful God gave her to me and my family. Rachel, my big sis with an arsenal of random facts up her sleeve. It sure comes in handy.